Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas and bah humbug! lol

     So here we are again at that time of year, Christmas right around the corner and I can not help but be in the Bah Humbug stage of it. In a way I can not wait till its over, another part of me loves it and wants the best of it. But let me tell you, money wise we are good, that is not the problem and hasn't been for sometime, the problem is I believe that I have so much already my family, my life, my health, and my families health, that I feel badly for those who have much less.
    Many years past we (my family) have had those Christmas times where we were not sure if we would even have one gift under the tree for our girls. However this not being the case for us, there are many out there that are in that same spot we once were in. I feel badly that there our children out there that won't know what it is to give to each other, and others as well. Most of all I feel that the true meaning of Christmas has been lost. More and more each year I see more about Santa and gifts then I do about Jesus and his Birthday. I don't see parents explaining to their children the real reason behind the celebration of Christmas.
     With the schools, taking God/Jesus out of our schools, and trying to take Christ out of Christmas. Sorry but without Christ then there is no Christmas. For that is the whole reason why we even have Christmas am I so wrong to think that way? Those who do not want Christ or the word Christmas then should make a new holiday just for themselves. Why should we Christians be the ones to suffer a loss so great, when all other religions get to practice in our schools and other places their beliefs.
     We are a great people, who once stood up for our rights, now I feel we are a people who cowardly stand in a dark corner allowing others to decide what we should or shouldn't do..... I am not sure but the world that we live in now is not the world I so hold dear to anymore. There was a time where people in Tie Dye shirts, and long hair stood with signs and let the world know that what was right was right and what was wrong was wrong and those people made the difference, now however, there are far and few between who would not even look you in the eye to defend their rights or beliefs, they would rather look away and hope someone else did the hard work... Where are we going, from here?

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