Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy B- Day Angel Cake Butter Milk Biscuit ! And Rest in Peace Wayne!

                                                                   To This is a year!
All in a year timing, he wasn't suppose to make it that far and he proved them all wrong with all their disappointing news, Happy B- Bay Bubba Love you lots.

The day he was born was the day our father/father in law died, we fill Wayne left this world to let our bubba come in to this world. Thank you for that but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with you being gone Love you lots .........

Wayne died 1 hour before Braven was born.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Its 10 pm, and I am sleepy

   Is there anyone out there, what should we talk about today,
there is really nothing much to say lately, just this darn cold and snow winter stuff. Though it is very pretty I might add, it is still very very very long lol..... even in the summer we get breaks from the heat, how about a break from the cold, I am so chapped right now.
   Summer where are, where can I find you lol.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Web Development class,

  So my proposal is due today, I have it done and printed out. This is very good, however I only hope I didn't print it out to soon. As there maybe required changes that need be done. I am hungry to learn this course, among others, however web, photography, and design are my main interests. It is something I always have had interest in.
  So class is starting I will edit this later to add more to it, Have a great day.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

Pay it forward 2011:

  If you have ever watched the movie Pay it Forward anyone who is anyone would know exactly what that means and how to do it. It was a great movie and I even cried at the end, however in the real life it can be applied as it should.
   Face-book users unite together to make Pay It Forward real, Great Idea I believe it is. Thanks to one woman who has started it I myself joined into the process of Pay It Forward through face-book. I would love to give out her name but for privacy issues I will not. However I will tell you a little bit about her;
   She is a retired elementary teacher for the fifth grade. Many students loved her and still do, so many that she to has many of those students upon her face-book friends list today, I included. She was a great teacher and I am sure she is greatly missed by all. However last night she posted "Pay It Forward 2011" Good for her, I without a doubt hurried to make one of the first five people on her list to be included in the project. We hope many will follow in her footsteps and hope that the pay it forward chain spreads like wild fire. For those of you who would like to try it to here is what you do to make it happen:


Pay It Forward 2011:

Pay it Forward 2011: I promise to send something handmade to the first 5 people who leave a comment here. They must in turn post this and send something they make to the first 5 people who comment on their status. The rules are that it must be handmade by you and it must be sent to your 5 people sometime in 2011.
 Now when you do this you must post this in your status until you get at least 5 people to answer it, Those five people who answers it gets a homemade item from you. This item as long as it is homemade by your hands alone, can range from , sewing, drawing, crocheting, knitting, any craft at all or painting etc: Those five people who answered must then after answering repost the pay it forward post in their status and do the same thing to five people. Theses five people  can be the same five people who answered you. such as but not limited to I answered the one who wrote it, then she answered mine so we can gift each other, it still counts as one of your five people you have to send something to.  but you can NOT send five items to one person, they have to be five different people.
                                                      The Movie: PAY IT FORWARD:
Movie Review: Pay it Forward

       Its a great idea and I believe more people should be willing to do good things for other people, There is many things a person can do as well with out having to spend money, Things you can help people with around your neighborhood, or when you are walking around town and see someone in need you can reach out and help that person. Its free and it is also letting people know there are still good people around to help you out when in need. 
Don't forget to Pay It Forward!


Sunday, January 2, 2011


        Yes we had a blast on New Years, we played UNO, Taboo, and many other games, as we always play them anyway. Its better then staying home alone, and not doing anything at all. With pizza ordered and the kids and all playing it was a good night.
        However now that New Years is over now it is time for the hussle and the bussle of daily grind of business and school. I will be busy I am sure, and I look forward to it as it keeps my head in the goal of my future. My children on the other hand would just love it if school did not exist at all. Can I blame them at their age, not really we all have been there. Once they are older though and have the school days behind them they will be thankful for it in the end.
       My eldest already wanting to go into photography, my youngest wants to go into Psychology I am proud of both my daughters who have matured and are responsible as well as smart enough to know what they want and go for it. I wasn't as lucky to know what I wanted when I was that age on what to do with my life. I guess that is why I am the age I am going to school for what I want now. Still all the same at least I am doing that.
       This year is already a good a year, lets see how it goes for the rest of the year. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Getting Ready by getting ahead!

       So got an email, from instructor to (hint hint) get an early start on the reading in semester 2. Well that is what I am doing, I just got done with chapter 12, and I ll read a chapter a day with notes an all, if I have time I will then go back and do some of the projects that are in those chapters, most of them we have been through but doesn't hurt to brush up on what we have already done.

      Going to look for tutorials as well to do in spare time if possible. Learning will not put you behind, it will only prepare you for what is to come. This is my motto of the situation. I believe if you want something bad enough then working a little to a lot harder will not hurt you. It can only help you in the end of it all. How wonderful right.
      There is so many days left to prepare for the upcoming semester, so reading is good, doing is better, and then making it happen works. Get ready peps I am, excited more then you know here we go again... I am ready!