Friday, April 15, 2011

So a few things have happened, since the last time I wrote.....

     Several things actually have happened, Oh don't worry to much it has all been good. For starters, my husband and I have bough-tin a brand new 2010 Malibu  car,  it takes E85 gas so it is cheaper as well as easier on gas. pics below of course.

     So yeah that is our new baby! So happy, we did it all on our own no help from no one. It was amazing, We can not be more thankful nor proud of not only ourselves but thankful to god for watching over us, and helping us make better choices in our lives.

    Our move is successful as well, we are finally finishing up on our last few boxes that are still in the garage waiting to find their new spots in our new home. It is great, yet a lot of work and we are just trying to slowly settle in day by day.

    I finished my craft for the pay it forward for one person so far, my fifth grade teacher was one of whom I paid it forward to. I was more then happy to do it for her as she is and always will be in my mind and in my soul with love and joy when thoughts come up of her. Here is a picture of what I did for her.

   I also did an illustration for my nephew angel cake butter milk biscuit. which as well here is a picture of his that I did.

     Its cute right, I love it cause it reminds me so much of him really it does. He is a little monkey who love his bananas!

     Of course I still have to pay it forward to one other person, and I am working on it, it will take me a while as did my 5th grade teacher's did. But to me its a joy and worth it. Paying it forward for no other reason other to show love and that you care for someone else even if you do not know them at all, is a wonderful feeling. Every one should try to pay it forward no matter how big or same it is, for someone out there will be thankful and never forget that pay it forward act.

   Until next time good night to you and all best wishes and God Bless you all.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Moved and unpacking with more updates,

So we got the move done and out of the way, what is left to do, well the unpacking and organizing of the junk we have. Isn't that the most hectic of all things about moving? Well it is for me, since I have kept everything for the last 17 - 18 years of marriage. So that is what I have been up to since the last post, packing, reading, moving, and unpacking and sorting of course.
On another note, my dear brother once again, surprised me with new furniture in my house. The sectional sofa and lazy boy chair to match. Black it is sweet, I like it a lot and so does my husband. Yes I know I have the greatest brother in all the world.Here is a look at that furniture.

Pretty nice huh? That is what I thought. To my wonderful brother thank you so much we love the new furniture. Even our dog loves it. Now I can not wait to get the house in order enough so everything looks great again.

Also got my book from Jean Auel The land of painted caves. Been reading it, and so far so good. I just as always can never put it down once I start reading it. Takes me forever I always find a reason not to put it down. I should not have a reason at all you would think, but I do. My children and I my life keeps me on my toes enough for that. It would be to easy to lose my self in the fantasy world if not for them.

Well I guess its back to the ball game, I have to finish the house so I can bring more in from the garage. Sigh will I ever get it all done?