Monday, October 31, 2011

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! that is what day it is, how wonderful this all is!

         My kids are older now, The youngest one is 13 still goes out for a bit but that is ok enjoy it while you can right! Trick or Tr eaters everywhere having fun laughing , running around trying to get as much candy they can get before the parents tell them its time to go home for the night.
         Some of the house are frighting to the little ones, but with fear they go and trick them and gather their treats, I love this holiday for many of reason, one being its a day you can be someone else and no one has to know it is you. That and you can decor your inside and outside of your home. All the while waiting for your trickers and treaters to come to you.

            The scary costumes and not to mention the movies that play on your T.V. those are always fun you know. Wait for your kids to go to bed so you can sneak in to their candy and steal a good one or two even more fun right..... oh you know we have all done it and or have had it done to us. I still think it is the funnest holiday around..... the most wonderful holidays are Thanksgiving and Christmas though we all know that.
            My little Nephew tonight came over he is only almost two now, as a vampire and Auntie made sure he got some candy... though he is to young for it yet, he will still enjoy it... he seemed to anyway lol. So to all you ghouls and witches, vampires, etc HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO YOU!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Well Winter is surely coming and with that! What do ya know that means the cold!

    Getting colder by the moment, winter is coming in quickly, so sad to see the summer go, as I know that we did not have much of one at all.  Getting the house ready, to hold the cold out, and the warm loving home in.
    I have so many plans, and knocking them out one at a time, sometimes two at a time if I am lucky.
Website is almost done, just have a few nooks and crannies to fill in, and put up.. and rearrange and then I ll be more then happy to link my blog to the site but for now you will all have to be just patience with me as I am a busy busy little bee.
     You know what is really great though, is looking outside and knowing that every thing is going to be ok, come winter or summer in the end there is always something there to get you through it all. I know when things look down ward, I just keep reminding myself there is good coming out of it somewhere lol. I am talking about the hustle and the bustle of all things brought on by life in itself, such as but not limited to:
  •  Being busier then you are use to
  • being a taxi driver to your children
  • cleaning house and life
  • working
  • finding time for yourself
     All these things plus more are everyday things that we have to get use to and we add more and more to our lifestyle everyday, creating more stress for ourselves, however if we never ventured out then we would never learn anything or  have a need to challenge ourselves just to see what we can do for our selves and others. We are who we are, we create our own mess, only for ourselves to get out of which we put ourselves into..... Thus the reason, our lives get stressed so MUCHHHHH!!! ha ha ha can you tell I have been stressing a little... yeah I know I have put a lot on my own plate... and yes I ll get it cleaned  up myself to, cause that is my way.....

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ok so its late, and I am up and though I have tons to do.......

     Here I write you tonight, I have been very busy on my website, I have to take pictures sometime this weekend. Though it will be a stressful and uneventful time for me to do this as I have so much going on. With my freelance graphic art career taking off, and my second job that I do on the side. It seems finding time to sit long enough to write gets harder and harder for me. I promise to try to write more often and try to split my time out more.
     However I am the type of person that when doing something I tend to put my full attention in it and nothing else seems to exist for me until I am through with the project that I am working on. I have all these projects I am doing so I am focusing on many different things, and it takes my full attention to do so. I pay a great deal of attention to detail, and design, So thinking power is needed most, so I will in the next few days update this blog again I hope with more interesting things to tell you my followers and my fans. Thank you for your understanding now I will go hit the pillow as it is way past my bed time tonight.