Monday, May 14, 2012

Romance, Fever, sharing and caring.... Slowly reveal the real in each other!

    Sometimes in our lives, your two hearts meet as one, You feel the need to explain and let each other know just how much you mean to each other, Asking about your lovers past is not wrong, it shows interest, with the right kind of trust and interest, they will tell you, You must not show jealousy for it is a life before you, what is in their life now is what counts, and hearing their past helps you to trust each other more as well as learn about the others wrongs that can be prevented in yours now, My husband and I have share these thoughts feelings once in a great while, just out of the blue, it is nice to learn something new about your partner, so never rush their past up on you, share it every once in a great while so your interest in each other feels a new once again! There is always something you will be surprised to learn about your partner if you keep it somethings untold for a later time.... Nothing ever says you have to share everything right away! But Sharing can bring you closer, if its given at the right time.
      In the meantime enjoy each other, show not tell each other how you feel, learn about your partner not only emotionally, but mentally and sexually as well. There is so much more to a person then what you seen on the outside. You must search with in ones self before you can expect your partner to reach out and share with you to, explore each other in every way, leave no stone unturned. However do it respectfully and both in agreement. Never push maybe you need to open the door and give a little information, before they will open up to you, if they do not open up right away that is ok, give it time. Relations are meant to be built up over time not in a day or night... Take it slow.

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