Thursday, January 5, 2012

What is that saying... All work no play Makes Jack a very dull boy!

     Well I see what that saying truly means, lol. As I feel that is all I do anymore, work on the website, work at work, work on my EPUB, and work in the house to clean... ahhhh this is what dull is lol. That is ok in the end it will be all worth it.
      Currently taking a small break on the website,Epub, and what not so that I can relax and come back to it. I may even have to take a break from the blog for a bit an so forth just to get my bearing once again. I will try to do my best, to keep you all informed of my doings, and my life interest as best I can. I have already weaned myself off of FV and Sims Social for now. That has seemed to help get my mind back into my work, now my mind wants back off that wagon lol..... its ok we will find common ground soon I am sure of it.

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