Friday, February 3, 2012

Is he right for you, how can you tell if he is the one? Here is a few tips to find out.

   Frist and for most when you invite him over does he want to spend it watching a movie, wants to talk, or just hang out with you... or rather still does he want to play x-box......? Well, the answer is simple, if he is playing xbox, or even computer games, etc: you are looking at your new future, a forever case of playing xbox, is his way of thinking is that if I am home, or around you I am spending time with you.... therefore no reason to complain... Is this the guy you want to spend the rest of your life with?
   If he comes over and does different things with you, like watch a movie one night, play board/card games the next time, hangs out with you another time, then xbox on another night then you can fairly say he likes the games, but he also makes a point in trying to spend equal time with me. Is this the type a guy you want to be with for the rest of your life?
   If he takes you out on dates and spends time with you  at home or out, then you have a pretty decent guy,even if he plays video games on whatever system. Is this the type a guy you want to spend the rest of your life with?
    I figure my man is the last option here, and I am willing to spend my life with him. Marriage doesn't mean you have to spend every momenet together doing something together. The relationship will quickly go down hill fairly quickly. However my man works a lot and deserves hours of play which is fine with me, he also makes sure that he spends time with family and spends time doing other things. He does not always play games but it is a big part of his life, but I am a bigger part of that and he makes sure I know that.  This is the type of guy I want to spend the rest of my life with.

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