Friday, December 30, 2011

NEW YEARS PARTY.......wait...... NOT REALLY, I am a mommy for crying out loud HA !

Can mommies still party while having children? Well yes I believe they can, just not like they use to is all, it has to be more controlled. Be sure to have your children under proper care, and go out and have controlled fun. It is still a party, but with more thought about what you do and how much you drink.
Life isn't over just because you had kids, or family, it has just begun and thus a reason to celebrate the New Year, Now this doesn't ok, going out and partying every single night, nor condone it in any way. But I still believe mommies can go out drinking on a limited basics only. Holidays, and maybe far and few in between days/nights. As long as it is responsible and well thought out. I am not a drinker or partier, but sometimes I to feel the need for a drink here and there. Not all the time I think the last time I drank was several years ago in 2003-2004. WOW a long time ago. Sure I have had a sip of wine here and there in a blue moon since then but nothing more then that.
My children are well grown now into their teen years, and have their own time and place and friends to hang out with, they don't need me around all the time now, Even though I am a very protective mom. I to need to have fun, if I do go out I know I don't have to drink to have a good time, I also know if I choose to drink I will do it responsibly as my children really do not need to see me come home drunk off my butt.
So this New Years MOM go out have fun drink if you feel like it, (as long as your not prego). Have a suitable babysitter, have a suitable driver or call a cab, and most of all.. ENJOY yourself but responsibly..... HAVE FUN HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND ALL MY FANS!

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