Thursday, December 1, 2011

Are you the puppet master or the puppet?

Are you the puppet master or the puppet?

Some point in our lives we all ask the same question. Am I the puppet master or am I the puppet? Though we have asked ourselves this time an again. We have never really answered it. I feel that I may in some form have the answer though it may not be the one your looking for.
I believe strongly that the puppet masters and the puppets of the world are of equal number. What does this mean you ask? Well I am glad you asked that, because this is what I believe.
The world is divided in half one half, puppet masters, the other half, puppets. There are those that want to and need to be the puppet. Then there are the ones that want, need and force themselves to be the puppet master.
Those that are the puppets choose to be the puppets. These people are easily controlled, and Manipulated in to doing or saying anything their master tells them to do. Also known as followers.
Then there is the puppet master. Some people are natural puppet masters. Not intentional puppet masters are good people. They look after others protect them love them and most of all give their puppets support. These kinds of puppet masters do not have an evil bone in their body. Could not hurt their puppets or hurt their friends and family.
Then there is the puppet master that is evil. Forces their way into their puppets life. Controlling their puppet and who that puppet can see, talk to, where that puppet can go. Even speaks selfishly about and for the puppet. The poor puppet doesn’t know if he is coming or going.
However that puppet chose to be there, to have that puppet master. That puppet, chose to be the puppet. Though the puppet thinks there is no escape.
These evil puppet masters, they are the meanest. They sometimes suffer from mental issues, Emotional baggage they can not cope with. Sometimes the Puppet master can not focus on anything else but controlling, searching for others to control, spying on their puppets. Only because of the fear they feel inside the insecurity that they have in themselves.
They are scared puppet masters. They can’t change they won’t change. So they don’t have to focus on their own troubles and problems they’ll focus on other people to try to puppeteer,to control.

Thus the puppet master will live a long lonely life. With out heart with out true love.
When you choose the puppet master role. You chose to live with people that are in fear, or hatred for you.The puppet master always lives in fear of their puppets leaving them. The puppet master fears abandonment issues. So the puppet master will go to great lengths, to keep their puppets under their control. Isolating them from all that is around them.
One day though the puppet will come to realize that this master is not what they want. Nor need in their lives. The puppet will break free, once it figures out when and how to. For a puppet always finds that they do indeed have a choice to be there or not. Once this happens the puppet master will go ballistic. In a rage of anger, hurt and sorrow for the loss of their puppet.
Little to the knowledge of the puppet master, Many of the puppets aren’t as controlled as the puppet master thinks.
Most of the puppets do not care about the puppet master, but care about the other puppets involved. So the poor puppet stays until there is a way that all the puppets can escape together.
I for one know I am not a puppet in the claws of a puppet master. I was once in the claws of the cruelest puppet master of all. I escaped with all I had, my life my family. I have found new life, new joys and happiness to search out. I no longer need a puppet master. I am the puppet master of my own life now.
I choose to be the puppet master. A kind helpful loving together puppet master. I have a full plate to worry about of my own. I have no time nor energy to control puppets. I lead if they follow they do it on their own choice. They are glad to follow to.
My life as been better since I kicked the puppet master to the curb. Now the puppet master is irate, still full of blame and hatred for my choice to leave.
Yet the puppet master still tries to bare hold on me. Then quickly realizes that it is a game that the puppet master will lose.
I sit and watch from the side lines. The puppet master still in all its might tries to control me. Yet knows there is no way to grasp me like before. There is nothing the puppet master can do to me. I have the control of my life.
I ignore the puppet master that once had hold of me. For now as I have said I am my own puppet master. I am untouchable, Unreadable, unpredictable. This the puppet master feared Thus the puppet master lost.
By C.T 2009

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