His left side of his front of brain is dead, However he is smarter then most kids his age, He is a little slow in the walking talking area, but he has no problem communicating with us, or anyone else for that matter. He does talk a little and he is walking with help, but that is only because he still is a little scared to do it on his own. He will get there in his own time.
By looking at him you wouldn't guess what he has already been through in his life he looks and acts just like any normal child his age should. They said he wouldn't be able to hear, speak or even see. Yet he does all these things and more. They said he would be mentally ill for all his life, yet here he is more normal then we all would ever imagine. A child that has felt pain most his life feels happy and alive everyday, even when he is at his sickest he still finds a way to make himself and others around him happy. Pain to him is his normal day to day life, but it is not his life..... he has the most wonderful parents who give him all he needs and more, and he has joy and love from all that come around him as he gives it back just the same if not more.
He is my angel cake butter milk biscuit, not because he just acquired it from me, but because he is an angel from god to all of us, and his feet, cheeks and hands taste like butter milk biscuits... lol. Auntie loves her Angel Cake and no one can and will ever change that, I loved him at hello, the moment I set eyes on him, and he stole my heart right there and then, and he does refuse to give it back to me. I do not mind this.... my nephew, How lucky we are to have you in our lives each and everyday! Happy Birthday Angel from God!
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