Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just a few ways to lose a man fairly quickly..... am I right?

   1.    Text him over 200 times a day or more.
   2.    Text him threatening msgs over 200 times a day or more.
   3.    Call him every name in the  book everyday,
   4.    Have children you can turn against him,
   5.    Isolate him away from his family through out the whole time of the relationship,
   6.    Call his family harsh names that you think will anger them as well as him,
   7.    Harass his family and close friends, until they hate you,
   8.    Harass and call his family members and him 200 time or more a day,
   9.    Call the cops on him for everything,
 10.    Find ways to put him in jail, then put him in jail,
 11.    Be very phycially, mentally, and verbally abusiveness towards him.
 12.    Follow him in your car, all over even while he is working.
 13.    Go to his work and sit out in front of his job for hours on end,
 14.    Climb on his vehicle better if its his work vehicle and refuse to move until he talks to you,
 15.    Track his phone and computer and anything else you can so you can keep track of him,

 There are so many other ways to lose a man, I will think of more and update this list as they come... good luck in trying to lose your man to! These are sure fire ways to get a start anyway... specially if you start from the beginning of the relationship...Good Luck with that!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Happy B Day once again, My Angel Cake ButterMilk Biscuit !

       Yes he is Two today, what an amazing little guy he is. For someone with as many problems as he had/has he sure as let all the doctors and nurses know it is not so just because they said it was so, but it is what it is because God said it was so. Again I remind those who do not remember or know about my Angel of a nephew, he wasn't suppose to be here they said if he is born alive he will live only 3 weeks to possibly a year. Well it is his two year birth day today...... ummm shows the miracles God can do doesn't it.
     His left side of his front of brain is dead, However he is smarter then most kids his age, He is a little slow in the walking talking area, but he has no problem communicating with us, or anyone else for that matter. He does talk a little and he is walking with help, but that is only because he still is a little scared to do it on his own. He will get there in his own time.
    By looking at him you wouldn't guess what he has already been through in his life he looks and acts just like any normal child his age should. They said he wouldn't be able to hear, speak or even see. Yet he does all these things and more.  They said he would be mentally ill for all his life, yet here he is more normal then we all would ever imagine. A child that has felt pain most his life feels happy and alive everyday, even when he is at his sickest he still finds a way to make himself and others around him happy. Pain to him is his normal day to day life, but it is not his life..... he has the most wonderful parents who give him all he needs and more, and he has joy and love from all that come around him as he gives it back just the same if not more.
     He is my angel cake butter milk biscuit, not because he just acquired it from me, but because he is an angel from god to all of us, and his feet, cheeks and hands taste like butter milk biscuits... lol. Auntie loves her Angel Cake and no one can and will ever change that, I loved him at hello, the moment I set eyes on him, and he stole my heart right there and then, and he does refuse to give it back to me. I do not mind this.... my nephew, How lucky we are to have you in our lives each and everyday! Happy Birthday Angel from God!
This picture was taking two weeks or so ago, He and my oldest were playing on the floor, and he bumped his hard head on her nose, and looks up at me as if to say "DID I DO THAT!"

Winter Finally shows its self! You all happy now! I am not lol!

    Well you all wanted it, and here it is.... now what are you going to do with it but complain about it!
I dislike snow, a little is ok, but truly I was looking forward to a brown winter honestly. However I still can not complain to much as it is still better then what we have had in the last two years just dreadful.
    Though it is cold, and we have had a few windy cold days, it has been rather nice I have to admit. Now though I see when I woke up this morn, that the snow fell while I slept, and continues to snow through out the day today. Hoping that work calls and says I do not have to come in today, but that won't be likely, Oh nothing says you can not wish....
     In the mean time husbands home has been since Tuesday been nice to have him here, it is not often he gets to be home more then a day or so... so when we get the chance to have him home for  a few days that is when we take advantage of it. maybe today will be a nice enough snow day that the kids will want to go slide down the hills, I know 14 and 17 it will be hard to convince them to do so... one last time before adulthood Ha Ha! Mise well make do with this snow as much as we can
    Enjoy your winter those wished for snow and have had their wishes come true..... but I ll tell you , Brown winter I want you back..... If you want snow move to Alaska lol.. Just kidding!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mice oh my what some people think,

    Ok so some mice are cute, and soft and fluffy, they are small and very active at times. They have beady little eyes and a nose that wiggles.  I think they are rather cute creatures, with a purpose in life, every thing has one right. Well so do these little guys, though they are a very low ranking on the food chain, and yes they can be dirty and filthy, as well as carry deceases. But doesn't every body and every thing else to. I mean really take a look, humans aren't the cleanest beings on earth you know.... I have watched Hoarders, and many other shows... as well as been in a lot of homes that were just down right filthy. We also have our fare share of deceases as well.
   So mice are not much different then we are, You can have the cleanest house in the world and still have mice. There is no doubt about that, However some people make me laugh when they panic over a harmless little mouse that is just doing what it has to do to survive in a world so big and luxurious as ours. They would be stupid not to take advantage of that situation, so remember next time you kill that mouse in your house.... do it, but do it respectfully.... who knows you may come back as a mouse in your next life.
     Some people are so scared of mice that they have to call a family member over to clean the mouse traps, then refuse to use the same trap over cause it has germs on it... makes me laugh because ok yes it has germs on it but I am not eating off it, and it can be washed... and for  another thing I can use it a few more time before I throw it out and just go waste more money on a new one that is going to get all germ-ed up again.... Some people can be pretty petty about small ridiculous things such as that.         
     However there are real people out there with phobias for mice and rats and any other creature the like there of. This is ok, I understand that, however when some people are just being ridiculous to be ridiculous, and to feel and sound important, then they need some serious reality checks. People life is to short to worry about little creatures like that, deal with them and get them out of your life, and move on. But again I say do it respectfully, to yourself and to others. There is no reason to make such a big who ha deal over mice or other rodents that are in your home, chances are they were there before you even moved in to the home, chances are there was nothing you did, to cause them to come to your home. Get the job done, don't make a fuss... you get what you get and don't throw a fit...... there you have it...
     Be a big person your not a child anymore, grown ups have to do things they don't want to do all the time, like get  a job, and work all their lives... They have relatives with illnesses they have to worry about, Bills to pay etc: I can go on and on... there are more serious matters to worry about, then a mouse in your house, and where is my husband and who is he talking to.... and how can I keep track of him...... Its called growing up and facing reality,... that the world.... is to big of a place to revolve around just you, there is a bigger part out there that you should be doing, and your not because your wasting your life that was given to you by doing childish stupid things and worrying about all the wrong things. Move on, deal with it, grow up, dry your eyes and do what you have to do to live the way that is healthy for you and your family... that is with you. Get the mice out of your house and continue on the path you need to be on and stop worrying about foolish things.
    God bless the mice, God bless my readers, and most of all God bless everyone else.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Back to school once again, this summer whoot!

      I am going to go back to school this summer to take a couple of courses, psychology and my English course, to get them out of the way, I also plan on taking a couple more classes in the fall, so then I can ease right into my spring classes for Graphics again. So excited and I can not wait for it awesomeness right .... So happy!

Making the cakes is so fun, But my hands freeze after two !

   Yes it is fun to work where I work, with all the desserts that I get to make, for so many it just plain awesome. I have learned how to make every dessert now, so proud of myself, and I do take great pride in making them. It is art to me, to make something with ice cream, and see the enjoyment of those that get to eat it. A childs face lights up to a dilly bar or the ice cream cone that I hand them.
    My worse pet peeve however is seeing someone else make a cone or dessert and it doesn't look good at all. I feel the need to go over there and show them exactly how to do it right. It takes practice none the less, but take some pride in what you do and make it the best,, the correct way! I was taught by my first Manager/Owner of their Dairy Queen a long time ago, and they showed us to take pride in our desserts and make them the right way, So I try to teach anyone that will listen or want to know how to do it correctly, And with time they will get it. PRACTICE PRACTICE is all that it takes.
     I recently learned how to make the cakes, I was beginning to make cakes a long time ago, but never really learned it as I left the company before the lesson was achieved fully. Now however I have learned and let me tell you.... it is fun, but Boy does my hands freeze after doing just two of them. The silver rings that the ice cream lays on get really cold really fast, and it doesn't help that they are in the freezer before you start even putting ice cream in , on and around them. In the end if I get frost bite from them, it will be worth as we make over 20 some cakes a day just to meet the demand.

  Cakes are fun to make, I do not decorate them as you see them here, but I do make it completely, But it is the process before the decor that counts just as much as the decor itself! 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sometimes in our life we just need to let it all out!

     What do I mean, well when we are happy we need to let it out, when we are sad we need to let it all out, when we are confused, angry, or what ever emotion we are feeling ..... we need to let it all out. How does one do that sanely. Is this the question? Well then lets start there, to let it all out sanely, is not has hard as it seems to be.. if your a hiker, in the mountains yell your emotion out there in the wide open. If you are a private person, and like the private of a bedroom then let it out there.Scream, yell, laugh, love what ever the emotion let it out.
      Who dare ask why, if they don't know then it is not important to them to care. All that matters is you, and how you feel and how you care. Bottling up emotions good or bad is never good for ones soul. To be sane you have to let your emotions go sometimes. Privately if you must or publicly if you like. I on the other hand base it on what emotion I am having, and then I ll let it out where I feel it is appropriate to do so at.
       Sometimes just talking to someone else, someone you know, someone you don't know, someone you call a friend or maybe someone you would call an enemy. What ever your dealing with good or bad let it out, That is what is important here. I for one, use to bottle it all up until I would just explode with mixed emotions, good bad ugly what ever it is...... all that emotion gets mixed up and then finally it just burst and you don't even know why your upset, or over worked up for. LET IT OUT.....
       Letting it out, alone or with someone is fine.. but most of all be safe about it, and be responsible about it. I think Anger and Sadness is the worse emotions, to let out. Because some people, get very angry and can not control their anger,same with sadness  if this is one of you, then maybe talking to a psychologist would do you some good. Talking to a psychologist isn't a bad thing you know, they are there to help you help yourself by listening to you and giving you suggestions or even finding better help measures for you. Be it meds or other means. But letting it out with them is better then anyone really.
         I am a happy person, but I to have my bad days, we all do and those who say they don't well we all know people tend to lye. These are the people that we will notice need more help then the most of us. I only wish and pray for all to be able to be happy and full of joy, but even now this is not our world we live in. It is full of anger, war, hate, violent stuff. But good people exist still, and as long as they do then well there is hope yet. Isn't there?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What is that saying... All work no play Makes Jack a very dull boy!

     Well I see what that saying truly means, lol. As I feel that is all I do anymore, work on the website, work at work, work on my EPUB, and work in the house to clean... ahhhh this is what dull is lol. That is ok in the end it will be all worth it.
      Currently taking a small break on the website,Epub, and what not so that I can relax and come back to it. I may even have to take a break from the blog for a bit an so forth just to get my bearing once again. I will try to do my best, to keep you all informed of my doings, and my life interest as best I can. I have already weaned myself off of FV and Sims Social for now. That has seemed to help get my mind back into my work, now my mind wants back off that wagon lol..... its ok we will find common ground soon I am sure of it.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Website box model is complete, Now working out the kinks and adding more ! lol

So I have been working on my site, and well I have to admit it is coming along nicely, with a little more twinking here and there I should have it finished in no time. The first page is always the one that takes the longest as it is your base for the whole site. Every thing else meaning other pages are basically the same..with just switching pictures and info around and exchanging etc:

I am mostly using css and most likely will turn first page into a style sheet so all others follow that lead, or the theme of the page. Then all I have to do is link the other pages to that style sheet and I ll be more or less done, however I still have to add and exchange things but won't take nearly as long as setting the first page up.

Here is a quick look at what I have so far, however the black boxes won't be in the final. Think of it as a map to let me know where everything should go, once I got everything in place I ll delete the black borders around the boxes so you will not be able to tell its in a box model.

        So with all that being said, I am hoping to be finished or darn near finished by the end of next weekend. Also working on my book still watching lots of videos on how to EPUB my book from indesign. I think I finally found the right one that I want to use for my Epub, as there are several ways and styles to make a EPUB book in indesign.
        So with that being said, my friends, fans and family I hope you had a safe and happy fun NEW YEAR! I hope this year is a great year, it is however what you make it, right..... lets go into it, with a great big blast of LOVE,PEACE,AND FAITH!