My brothers and I always loved to pick out our cereal, mom and dad hated it, as we would take for ever. We would even get in a circle and discuss among the three of us which toy/cereal would be better. Once bought we could not wait till morning, as mom and dads rule was, you can not get the toy out of the box until the box of cereal is all gone. To make sure this happened mom would grab the toy right away and place it upon the frig, we were not allowed to open it or touch until the all the box was gone. Mom knew we only bought the cereal for the toy so that is why we had to wait on the toy. Good idea mom, more then half the cereals we bought we really didn't care for lol.
But once that cereal was gone oh boy oh boy we could not wait, their was so many to choose from at the store and we each thought we picked the best ones out of the whole mess of them. We used our heads in imagination to play with those toys, including them into our Barbie or GI Joe worlds. Or Tonka Trucks etc:
Every month we got to choose a new box of cereal, this was our excitement the waiting sometimes was the hardest. But we would watch the commercials about cereal on T.V. and we would be like that is the cereal I am getting next time. It was a lot of fun, and cheap thrills, they were good quality toys to. How could the cereal companies drop the toys, that was their main catch in the kids eyes anyway,
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