Sunday, June 5, 2016

Welcome To My Haunted Life On Sale Starting 6/6/2016

Ok Guys I have a great sale going on for my book, for one week you can get it at 4.99. Please share and let others know if they want it this is the time to purchase it. It starts 6/6/2016 until next Monday 6/13/2016.
Here are  those links again.


Customer Reviews

Awesome Book ★★★★★

by Tracy4uto - May 14, 2016

It was great to read and to look through the eyes of the reader, with the illustrations it really helped.

Amazed and Dazed! ★★★★★

by NightOwlsLive - May 14, 2016

Incredible, I bought the book, and it took me some time to read it as I worked but once I had a couple days off, as I like to really get into my books. I got a chance to read it. I am just at awe really that a little girl growing up had experienced so much in her life then growing into adult hood amazes me how she handled it. I highly believe life after death and in ghost, as well as heaven and hell, demons and other dimensions as crazy as this sounds, I do believe these things to, and have had my own experiences, I am glad I was able to read this as it helped me understand, and most certainly know I am not alone. Can not wait to read more from this author, The pictures were a real treat to, got to really get to know the person behind the book.

Liked this book ★★★★★

by Kittttyyykaaattt - May 3, 2016

It was very interesting, left me a little freaked out after reading it slept with the lights on!

Great Read ★★★★★

by Darth Stupid - May 3, 2016

I have not read a book as interesting as this one in a long time. Being a true story it would be a very scary and horrific experience for someone growing up dealing with that stuff. Can not wait for this Author to write more books.